Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Harold Camping - Redesigned

Can you spot the difference between these two screenshots:

Cache taken on May 22nd 2011:

This is how the Family Radio site looks today:

Gone is the counter supposed to end up in the rapture on May 21st 2011. Gone are the predictions of this being as sure as [fill in the blank]. Gone is prophetic interpretations - very probably trying to ride off the storm since the fake prediction turned Harold Camping into a real fool when compared with the words of the Bible about false predictions...

Next in line for a false prediction label is apparently, Ron Weinland who on February 25th 2011 wrote the following:

Seven months have now passed since my last posting. It has been a little over two years since the Seventh Seal of Revelation was opened. More incredible yet is the reality that in about 15 months from now, Jesus Christ is going to return to this earth.

This puts his prediction at about May 2012. Just so you know it. ;-)

All kidding aside. False predictions cause people to lose faith in God, and you should never let that happen to you. It should awaken you to error, but not cause you to lose faith in our Creator.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Harold Camping's Failed Predictions

Harold Camping's Family Radio is losing hope by the minute. They created an ad that is going to be pretty useless after today ends. It is now 1:20 PM in the afternoon, the sun is shining - but apparently we only have 4 hours and 40 minutes left, if one could trust the predictions of Harold Camping.

I thought I would share the video just so you can see this 1 minute farce:

May 21, 2011 from Family Radio on Vimeo.

Harold Camping has a poor track record. Just like his mentor, the late Herbie, who predicted numerous dated including 1975 (in the booklet 1972 in Prophecy), and probably thought the California investigation was also a precursor to the "end of the world", so Harold predicted 1994, now today, and the very end on October 21st 2011.

I think he is spending the day trying to find some way to explain away this very definite prediction to predict some special scenario that fits the biblically corrupted minds of those who still listen to Harold...

Happy search, Harold. :-)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Now Available in Danish Also

This blog will be available in Danish also. The name of the blog is "Armstrongismen - Den ultimative guide" which will service Danes, Norwegians and Swedes leaving Armstrongism.

If you know anyone in Scandinavia who could benefit from this information, please feel welcome to direct them towards that blog.

I am translating all relevant articles that are still relevant time-wise so they will be released in the month ahead on that blog.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cults ARE Winning...

In the quest for information about cults, there is very sadly an aspect that is working to the advantage of cults. Cults have no conscience so getting people to pay the increased expenses is disguised as tithes. Tithes that are paid by faithful people who just follow what they believe is a Scriptural command.

What is much less recognized is the fact that information about these cults takes time AND energy, research AND enthusiasm. In recent years numerous anti-cult groups have closed shop. People were willing to spend thousands of dollars in their cult experience, but couldn't be bothered with supporting an information agency that inspired their exit. They couldn't even imagine even just saying thanks to the people who gave them the information noone else provided.

Some people need to be remembered in that regard. John Trechak fought for many years, trying to get every single Ambassador Report published. If the internet had been a daily element back when he started his publication, you can be certain he would never have set any copyright rules. Just as I never forbid anyone in republishing my articles - provided you tell people where you got the information. A full reprint IS allowed as long as you provide a link to the original source.

Noone should ever let their egos hinder the free promulgation of information, and the cultic behavior should never be continued by freedom seekers who are motivated to share their knowledge about Armstrongism.

Therefore, feel free to share, and help MORE people come out of the darkness of Armstrongism and into the light of the Bible. Your help may inspire someone who otherwise ends up having mental scars that could take years to recover from. Helping involves sharing, and paying due credit to whom credit is due by linking to each other.