Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mark Armstrong - Classic Example of What Hate Can Do to a Person

People who have followed the organization known as the Garned Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Organization since the demise of its founder, will recognize that much has changed since Garner Ted Armstrong died.

One major change is that the organization is now actively promoting everything former President Donald J Trump does. Regardless of the fact that Trump has openly been adulterous and promotes indecent behavior towards women (groping them by you know what)... ANYONE that even remotely mentions this is considered either a liberal or a democrat, even though it should have been clear to anyone claiming to be a minister that you cannot serve two masters.

Secondly, and this ties in with the first point it is becoming pretty evident that Mark Armstrong is SO confused by his idolatrous fascination of everything relating to Trump that he has now fallen for the trap of promoting hatred towards others.

Calling the President 'the pretender'?

Interested readers can read the article Proud of What? that appeared as the lead article in the magazine shown on that link. I am sure most will agree that this is so flawed and filled with assumptions and presumptions that show a lack of understanding of BOTH the LGBTQIA+ community AND the Bible.

The constant disresepect of calling the President 'the pretender' is just one of many tricks that shows a maturity level far below what one could have expected.

In conclusion it is now pretty evident that both the GTAEA and the PCG have become organizattions that are now Pro-Trump in violation of former claims of being UNpolitical...

Have a good summer :-)


  1. I saw a video of Mark Armstrong’s feast of tabernacles service on You Tube . You would have thought it was a Trump rally. I’m surprised Trump himself never considered a cabinet position for him. I better not give him any ideas…

    1. You are so right, and it is quite tought-provoking that all splinter groups talked about being un-political, yet both the GTAEA and the PCG are the two biggest proponents of Trump.

      They would probably mention Trump's protest against abortion and the LGBTQ+ community as some sign of godliness, but they overlook the one thing most x-tians would claim as obvious. Would G-d work with anyone with the morals of an alley cat?

      Some of the ideas that can be seen in project 2025 are a travesty against both the rule of law and democracy, and one would have to be very narrow-minded to even consider voting for someone that advocates this...

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on their FOT services. I wasn't aware it could be seen on YouTube. :-)

      All the best. :-)
